Hello, sprites of the future!

Listen, don’t tell anyone I told you this, but the absolute best way to experience GaymerX is to volunteer for it. You get a free ticket (for you or a friend, or an upgrade to your current one)! You start making friends even before the convention begins! And you get a totally rad T-shirt.

Being a clever sprite, you of course want to know what the hitch is. “Don’t I have to work during the con, if I volunteer?” Yes, you do – but we remember that our sprites are here to enjoy the convention, too, and we do everything in our power to make sure that happens.


You let us know what panels or events you want to see, and we’ll do our best to make sure you can be there. Most volunteers work an average of eight hours during the show, but you can choose to take on extra responsibility in A/V, security, or registration.


There are perks that come with being a volunteer, of course. For starters: you get to go to the VIP party. Booyah. Since we do need volunteers to staff the parties (somebody has to check the coats and IDs!), we’ll make it up to you by getting dinner for every volunteer who has to work after 7pm. And we bring in orange juice and snacks every morning to start the day right.

Finally, we’ve got a volunteer-only crash space at the Intercontinental Hotel. Any volunteer can use it for any reason – missed the last train home, need to grab a nap in the afternoon, don’t feel safe walking back to your hotel alone – whatever you need. The only rule is that the crash space is a silent space: please respect the other sprites who are resting there!

Speaking of hotels, if you’re going to volunteer, make sure you can get to San Francisco by July 9. Every volunteer goes through a safe spaces training that day, because we want to make sure that both you and our guests (the attendees are our guests!) are comfortable creating a welcoming, respectful, and fun place for everyone at GaymerX.


Are you ready to click that link yet?

Become one of the CHOSEN!

Once you send in the application, you’ll hear back shortly after May 31. All volunteers are guaranteed a badge to GaymerX – even if tickets sell out by then – and if you already bought your badge, I’ll work with you with to get it refunded. So you can do that if you’re worried that your application won’t be accepted.

But I’d really like to accept your application. :) So send it in!



–Soraya Een Hajji, GaymerX Volunteer Director